Major Project 1 (getting started again)

"Vintage block" Collaboration with Deepart (J.Hewitt 2018) It has been very difficult to get back to thinking about the major project after the excitement of the group project and the epic construction task in the pattern processes module. Although everything is interconnected, and many sections of the research and development of the other modules will impact on this final piece, I fear I rather suffered from cognitive overload and found getting intensly involved in several projects at once (to say nothing of working and selling my house) very draining. I really don't want to end up just creating a fashion collection based on Deepart AI drawings... the literary research I am doing on neural systems and machine learning is just so fascinating, I want to do justice to the big concepts involved. I accept this is probably just my own personal desire to do something new and meaningful, but as I am reading more of Margaret Bodens work and becoming aware of H creativity...