Our Presentation and Project Evaluations/Conclusions
Google slides has been great to work with as a team, because I simply put place holders in till the others could update with the pictures or 3D motion captures that only they had access to.
I also wrote a first draft "script" and uploaded to our shared drive so everyone could rewrite their sections in their own words. I tried to break it up into short sections for interest so different voices could maintain interest. We were scheduled for the end of the session and I knew peoples attention spans would be flagging by then. We had a lot of information to get through and we wanted to give people a real sense of not only our experience but the product and the brief as well.
We met up on the Monday to have a quick read through and make adjustments, sadly poor M was ill on the day of the presentation so her sections were quickly divided up that morning between the rest of us, I don't think it affected the presentation too much but we missed her.
I have learned an enormous amount on this project, somewhat to my surprise to be honest. Not just the technical skills needed to manage the team with software and develop graphics, but also how a conference works, how to give an academic presentation of research and of course all the actual information that we researched for vir-toile.
I would love to take the project further, but I am not a software engineer. Neither do I have any concept of who or how to approach for development partnering/funding.
However, I now have the confidence to know that it is possible and such research/development opportunities exist! So I shall see what next I can find out to take the idea onwards.
I've loved working with all the team, gained real insights into their areas of expertise, what is possible, and new ways of thinking so I sincerely hope we stay in touch and use each others talents and support in the future.
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